If a parent would like to remove a fan from their child’s fan club, they must log into their parent account, select, “view fans,” select, “edit” next to the fan’s name, then select, “remove.” If a student has multiple parents registered, then only the parent that added the fan can edit, remove, or view the email address of that particular fan.
Articles in this section
- For Parents: Providing Parental Consent
- What are the Content Submission Guidelines for parents?
- How do parents give permission to display their child's artwork publicly?
- How do parents contact their child's art teacher?
- How do parents approve artwork comments left by visitors?
- How do parents remove or edit a comment?
- How do parents permanently disable comments for an artist?
- How do parents add / edit fan club members for his/her child?
- How do Fan Club Members get Verified?
- How do parents remove a fan club member for his/her child?