Yes. Within the class portal, students upload their artwork/video, add a title, and enter an artist statement, which is then sent to their teacher for review. If a teacher has new artwork/video to review, they will see a link to review art submissions in the message section of their teacher page. Teachers can approve, edit, delete, or send back all artwork/video, titles, and statements. Teachers can also submit feedback for the students as they review the artwork/video. Please note that teachers must review each entry and appropriately select whether or not the entry contains personal information. If the entry does contain personal information, the teacher can either:
- Indicate that the entry contains personal information (and will therefore only be available for the parent to view in the private gallery); or
- Remove or mask any personal information contained in the submission, and therefore the entry will be posted publicly in the school gallery.
In addition, Artsonia deletes from our servers any original (unmodified) artwork and associated title and statement that may have contained personal information. Additionally, consistent with the requirements of COPPA, we ensure that any geolocation metadata that may be contained in the photo/video is removed prior to posting on Artsonia.
Please read our Content Submission Guidelines here.